About the Journal
A Journal of the Family Consumer Sciences Society of Nigeria
Current Issue
The International Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences (IJFACS) aims to publish high-quality research on all aspects of Consumer Sciences/Home Economics and related fields.
As an international academic journal, provides a global and multidisciplinary forum to understand consumers from psychology, sociology, anthropology, marketing and consumption economics perspectives. All submissions will go through a strict double-blind peer-reviewed procedure based on strong theoretical conceptualization and rigorous research methods. Short research notes and commentary, with innovative approach and insightful ideas are also welcome.
Submission of a manuscript to this journal represents a certification on the part of the author(s) that it is an original work, has not been published elsewhere and should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time. For ease of dissemination and to ensure proper policing of use, all accepted manuscripts and contributions become the legal copyright of the publisher unless otherwise agreed.
Upon submission, the editor will review each manuscript and if it is judged suitable for
publication in IJFACS, it is then sent to two referees for double-blind peer review. Based on the reviewers’ recommendations, the editor then decides whether the manuscript should be accepted as is, revised, or rejected.